Break the crates to build a handle then use a Raptor to pull it. Use a Dilophosaurus to break the amber object then build a handle that you can then use a Raptor to jump to in order to get the brick. Go past the Stegosaurus and Gallimimus until you see an amber object. Hack the x-ray with the computer and you'll get the red brick. Find the sick Triceratops and break all the parts so you can build a computer. Switch to a character who can grow plants like Ellie and you'll get the brick. Switch to a Dilophosaurus to spit on the rocks. In the Dilophosaurus Territory use a Pachycephalosaurus to break the tree. While still holding the lever switch to another character and jump on top. You need a Dino like a Raptor to pull the lever on the left side of the building. Go down the elevator and get the Mosasaurus then use the yell to break the amber rocks. Switch back to a human and jump up, build a bouncy pad to get to the red brick. Now you can switch to that T-rex and break the lock. Then go down and use a character who can shoot the blue panels to make a T-rex appear. In the T-Rex area use a character who can access the blue security panels (Claire Dearing or Mr DNA). The last egg is in an amber object but you need a custom Dino that is small enough (like a raptor) but with the T-Rex head so you can yell at it to break the amber. The 2nd egg can be obtained with a Raptor jumping on the tree stump to disable the electricity then use an agility character to jump to. 1 egg just needs a person who can cut the green vines.

Find the 3 eggs and return them to the nest. Need to switch to a Compy and crawl through the hollow tress. Amber Brick Detector: Jurassic Park III Hub. Use the Charlie Raptor to sniff out the scent near the Dinosaur pad. In the Pachycephalosaurus Arena use a Raptor to pull the wall switch then use Dilophosaurus to spit on the targets. Need a Pteranodon to fly to a red switch to initiate a challenge to break a cage. Need to use Indominus Rex and use stealth past the gate then break the lock. Need Pachycephalosaurus to break the rocks and then walk inside the dark area with a character that has that skill. Let go of the lever and then continue with the baby. You'll then switch to a baby and then switch back when you're halfway down. Need a Pteranodon (70 gold bricks required for this pad) to fly and pull the red lever. You need the Gyrosphere to break the wall then you need the T-Rex to break the orange wall.
#Lego jurassic world red brick codes xbox one code
Can also get this with the cheat code 5MZ73E. Then you need a character that can walk in dark areas. Need a character that can shoot the blue targets.